Photo by Alina Grubnyak, Unsplash
UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association
The UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association brings together researchers, practitioners and organisations from both countries to build a collaborative vision for the field, with a focus on issues such as sustainability, inclusivity, training, advocacy and career progression. This vision for the field builds on long-standing partnerships, research, and centres of excellence to further development and innovation in digital humanities.
The Association seeks to nurture the capacity for excellent research and teaching in digital humanities, to establish and sustain more effective connections across sectors, and to create new pathways for collaboration. These collaborations include partners in higher education; galleries, libraries, archives and museums; the technology sector; and the creative industries. Institutions and individuals engaged with the Association will work to create new and sustainable partnerships across Ireland and the UK, as well as with the international community.

Collaboration beyond Boundaries
Co-obrachadh thar Chrìoch
2025 Annual Event
The UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association is pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 2025 Annual Event, to be held at University of Glasgow from 17-18 June 2025 with selected sessions streamed online. The theme for this year’s event is Collaboration beyond Boundaries.
Tha Comann nan Daonnachdan Didsiteach eadar an Rìoghachd Aonaichte agus Èirinn ro-thoilichte a ràdh gu bheilear a-nis a’ gairm air taghraidhean airson ar Tachartais Bhliadhnail 2025, a tha gu bhith air a chumail aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu eadar 17-18mh là den Òg-mhìos le cuid de sheiseanan taghta air an craoladh gu beò air-lodhne. Is e teama tachartas na bliadhna Co-obrachadh thar Chrìoch.
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Read the latest Association documents and find resources for everything from research to advocacy.