Dr Órla Murphy

Head of Department of Digital Humanities, University College Cork

Dr Orla Murphy is head of the Department of Digital Humanities, School of English and Digital Humanities,  University College Cork, Ireland. 

EU Roles: 

National Coordinator of DARIAH-IE; the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.

Irish National Representative on the Scientific Committee of CoST-EU; Co-operation in Science and Technology.

Irish National Representative on the SCI SWG Social and Cultural Innovation Special Working Group of ESFRI  the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures. 

National Roles: 

Board Member DRI the Digital Repository of Ireland 

Co Chair ACERR The Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository in Ireland

University Roles: 

Co-Chair – Digital Education Advisory Group, University College Cork.

Deputy chair – Learning and Teaching Committee, University College Cork.

Specialising in the concept of knowledge representation, specifically ‘textuality’ and the impact of text technologies on the world, from Socrates to XR, with a particular focus on the Digital Humanities.

Her research explores the integration of emerging digital technologies (with)in the humanities in scholarship and in pedagogy.

She has co designed and developed a series of innovative degrees that promote a standards-led approach, using international best practice for digitisation, in its multiplicity of forms, malleable across many platforms and of interest to a wide range of citizens.