Next generation careers in and from Digital Humanities

A key focus for the network is the question of career development in Digital Humanities, and the options that are available to postgraduate students, early career researchers, and aspiring research software engineers (RSEs) in particular.

An opening panel session will present the experiences of digital humanists who have gone on to a wide variety of careers, from academia to the creative industries, cultural heritage and the technology sector. This will be followed by an open discussion exploring the kinds of support and guidance that would make a difference to the career paths of Digital Humanities ECRs and RSEs, including industry placements, training, mentoring and advocacy. This conversation will feed in to a discussion paper on next-generation careers in and from Digital Humanities.

Our third discussion paper, based on the outcome of this workshop, is published here.


Schedule Outline
14.00 – 14.05 Welcome
14.05 – 15.35

Panel One

  • Karolina Badzmierowska (Noho Ltd.)
  • Emma Clarke (ADAPT, Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre)
  • Christina Kamposiori (Research Libraries UK)
  • Ernesto Priego (City, University of London)
  • Francesca Sobande (Cardiff University)
  • Elizabeth Stewart (Harrison Group Environmental Ltd.)
  • Chair: Justin Tonra (NUI Galway)
15.35 – 15.50 Break
15.50 – 16.50

Panel Two

  • Shawn Day (University College Cork)
  • Jennifer Edmond (Trinity College London)
  • James Smithies (King’s Digital Lab)
  • Chair: Charlotte Tupman (University of Exeter)

16.50 – 17.00 Closing Remarks